The Vive Adolescent Care facilty is located in St. George, Utah. Individuals from Nevada who wish to enroll in our program must be willing to travel there.

Vive Adolescent Care is an adolescent inpatient psychiatric hospital, offering a full range of medical and therapeutic resources for Nevada families dealing with crisis.

Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals in Nevada

Vive Adolescent Care is an inpatient psychiatric hospital and acute stabilization facility working primarily with adolescents and families from Nevada, that are struggling with mental health crisis. We are an Insurance based, 14 to 30-day inpatient facility dedicated to giving our clients the tools needed to achieve a productive, happy, meaningful, long life.

It's always been hard to be a teenager, but it is more challenging today than ever. Between social media expectations and the isolation from the pandemic, teens in Nevada fall into unhealthy coping behaviors to seek relief. Inpatient psychiatric hospitals in Nevada provide mental health help for teens in crisis, who live in Nevada.

The transition into adulthood is stressful for teens as they become more self-sufficient. However, they know that soon they must make decisions that will shape their entire future. There is hope if your teen faces an immediate, acute mental health crisis. You are not alone, and neither are they. Here at Vive Adolescent Care, you can access inpatient treatment for your child in Nevada, so they remain safe and get the support they need.

During their inpatient hospital stay at Vive Adolescent Care, your teenager receives:

  • Safety monitoring
  • Diagnosis clarification
  • Treatment plan creation
  • Medication schedule determination (as medically appropriate)

Inpatient psychiatric hospitals in Nevada, like the one provided here at Vive Adolescent Care, offer treatment for mental health-related issues that depend on various factors. These include:

  • Your child's mental health condition.
  • Your teen's overall physical health and any specific physical health conditions.
  • The treatment prescribed and services indicated to support healing and recovery.

Mental Health conditions in teens require significantly different approaches to those for adults. So, inpatient psychiatric hospitals in Nevada offer specialized programs specifically for teenagers.

Mental Health Inpatient Treatment Centers Nevada

mental health inpatient treatment centers Nevada

In Nevada, some mental health inpatient treatment centers are solely dedicated to treating children and adolescents with conditions requiring focused expertise, such as eating disorders, and developmental disabilities. These inpatient psychiatric hospitals also treat general medical conditions.

These hospital inpatient settings involve an overnight or more extended stay in a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit of a general hospital. Some of these privately owned facilities are government-operated for the public. They provide treatment to more severely ill mental health patients, usually for less than 30 days.

A person admitted to an inpatient setting might be in the acute phase of a mental illness and need help around the clock. Typically, a person who requires long-term care would be transferred to another facility or a different setting within a psychiatric hospital after 30 days of inpatient treatment.

In addition, a psychiatric hospital might have specialty units for eating disorders, geriatric concerns, child and adolescent services.

Vive Adolescent Care

Mental Health Treatment for Teens from Nevada

Get a better understanding the emotional condition of your child by taking our specialized assessment test.

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Teenage Psychiatric Hospital

Watching a teen go through a difficult time with mental health issues is heart-wrenching. Yet, you have undoubtedly done everything imaginable to make a difference for them. But in the end, they continue their struggle with issues such as anxiety, depression, or self-harm. Or they have thoughts of suicide, or perhaps they have even made an attempt.

When your teen reaches a crisis point, it is time to consider a teenage psychiatric hospital. An acute mental health crisis is not something a parent can likely manage. Your teen needs a team of clinical and medical experts trained to deal with mental health crises in teens.

In a teenage psychiatric hospital, your teen receives the professional medical attention they need. In addition, they have their issues clarified and have a treatment plan specifically tailored to support their healing journey.

Vive Adolescent Care, an exclusive teenage psychiatric hospital, supports teens struggling with mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, mental health crises, and other moderate to severe mental health issues.

Anxiety: Anxiety can feel like all-consuming worry or dread. Other symptoms include:

  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Aches and pains

Depression: Depression negatively affects how your teen feels, thinks, and acts. Symptoms include:

  • Feeling sad or overwhelmed
  • Losing interest in activities previously enjoyed
  • Changed appetite
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Mental Health Inpatient Treatment

mental health inpatient treatment Nevada

Mental health inpatient treatment involves at least an overnight stay, but usually, your teen would stay for less than 30 days. A teen admitted into mental health inpatient treatment is generally in an acute phase of a mental illness, so they need help 24-hours a day.

To prepare for mental health inpatient treatment, pack a suitcase for your teen with at least three changes of clothes and whatever they need for personal grooming. Once you arrive, you meet with an experienced Vive Adolescent Care team member who explains the next steps.

Once your teen is checked in for mental health inpatient treatment, the Vive Adolescent Care team creates an individualized treatment plan. A typical stay for mental health inpatient treatment is one to two weeks. The goal is to help your teen through their current mental health crisis.

Your Role as a Parent

You continue to play a significant role during and after your teen's mental health inpatient treatment. You provide the foundation for the creation of a practical aftercare plan. So, you will receive all the information you need to continue to support your teen in the long term. You are not alone.

In Conclusion

Inpatient psychiatric hospitals in Nevada are available to provide treatment for your teen during a mental health crisis. Inpatient treatment assures your child is safe and gets the help they need on their healing journey. There is hope if you and your teen face a mental health crisis. You are not alone, and so neither are they.

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