Vive is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility and acute stabilization facility working primarily with adolescents and families who are struggling with mental health crises.
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility at Vive
Vive Adolescent Care is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center and acute stabilization facility working primarily with adolescents and families who are struggling with mental health crises. Vive is an Insurance based, 21 to 45-day inpatient facility dedicated to giving our clients the tools needed to start Love Living Life again.
In today's world it is harder than ever to be a teenager. Social Media expectations and poor outside influences are pushing teens into unhealthy coping behaviors to seek relief. Vive's Psychiatric Residential Treatment Centers provide mental health help for teens who are struggling in these areas.
Take a look below to see how Vive's Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center can help you or your adolescent through this difficult time.
What is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility?

An adolescent mental health residential treatment center is a live-in facility that provides intensive mental health treatment for adolescents, typically aged 12 to 18. These centers are often used as a last resort for adolescents who have not responded to other forms of treatment, such as outpatient therapy or medication.
The goal of an adolescent mental health residential treatment center is to provide a safe and structured environment in which adolescents can receive the support and treatment they need to manage their mental health symptoms and improve their overall functioning. Treatment at an adolescent mental health residential treatment center typically includes a combination of therapy, medication, and other evidence-based interventions, and may last for several weeks or longer.
Vive's Hospital licensure and Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center status really sets it apart from other treatment facilities. While most RTC's provide a large amount of behavioral therapy with only a small amount of medical interventions. Vive is able to provide both Medical AND Behavioral treatment and therapy to each and every client. We achieve this by ensuring that clients meet with their Provider DAILY to assess current medication effectiveness and dosage.
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility for Youth: When Should You Go?
Residential treatment centers, including adolescent mental health residential treatment centers, are typically reserved for individuals who require a higher level of care than can be provided on an outpatient basis. This may be due to the severity of their symptoms, the complexity of their condition, or other factors that make it difficult for them to receive treatment in a less intensive setting.
There are a number of different situations in which someone might be referred to a residential treatment center, including:
- When their mental health condition is severe and they are unable to function effectively in their daily lives due to their symptoms.
- When they have attempted outpatient treatment but have not responded well to it.
- When they are at risk of harming themselves or others.
- When they are unable to maintain their own basic needs, such as eating, bathing, and managing their medications.
It is important to note that the decision to enter a residential treatment center should be made in consultation with a mental health professional and, if applicable, with the input of the individual's family and other members of their treatment team.
If you think that you, or a loved one may need the treatment that a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center offers please take the following Assessment: